Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics (IAPG) of the Czech Academy of Sciences, succeeded with the project ExAM (Experimental Animal Models) in the competition for funds provided from the second priority axis of European Structural Funds (Regional Research Centers) of the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation. PIGMOD Centre (Pig Models of Diseases) will arise thanks to the strong support of this project in Libechov. The main goals of PIGMOD Centre are aimed primarily at the application sphere.
Rumburská 89277 21 Liběchov
Czech republic

Methodology of Generation of Acute and Transgenic model of Huntington's disease in miniature pig and its application for testing of new drugs and therapeutic approaches for neurodegenerative diseases
The methodology describes generation of biomedical model of Huntington's disease in miniature pig. The model was generated for preclinical testing of new potential treatments which are developed with using of both pharmacological and molecular biological methods.
Authors: Jan Motlik, Stefan Juhas, Jana Juhasova, Petr Vodicka, Monika Baxa
Methodology of Generation of a Model of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in miniature pig and its application for testing of new therapies and drugs
The methodology describes the possibility of using of reproducible and adjustable model of spinal cord injury in miniature pig. The model was generated for testing of new drugs and therapeutic approaches which are potentially useful in the treatment of acute or chronic spinal cord injury in human patients.
Authors: Martin Marsala, Jan Motlik, Stefan Juhas, Jana Juhasova